organize your cabinets. 12 ways to have perfectly organized kitchen cabinets

Organize your cabinets perfectly with these 12 affordable products

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Welcome to my Kitchen

I really don’t think it is too bad. In fact, I my cabinets are pretty organized. Just be careful when you are getting out a mug or a glass. It is a good idea to keep your hand up to ninja catch anything that falls out. No, no. It’s our purposeful way of heightening our reflexes. Why yes, I only have 7 feet of counter space. So, that means I have plenty of room for by blender, knives, spices, tea kettle, and Kombutcha. No problem, right? What is in that cabinet? Well, I have no idea.

This is not just satire. I have worked very hard to have organized cabinets, but the two of us in our home still manage to lose things, drop things out of cabinets, and create giant messes. For example, I have the pots and pans/ tupperware cabinet organized pristinely in a way that Hubs cannot seem to replicate even though he has been trying for 5 years.

So, “pretty organized” is a great way to describe it. But, my favorite teacup just fell out of the cabinet taking another on the way down and crashed to the floor. So, instead of cleaning it up like a responsible person, I tried not to cry and sat down to find some affordable items to help me get my kitchen cabinets perfectly organized. (sans tea)

But, what good are all my new finds unless I also share them with you? So, without further ado, check out these 10, very affordable ways to have perfectly organized kitchen cabinets. P.S. They are going to make organizing your cabinets a breeze.

Choosing how to organize your cabinets

Organization can be a little daunting. As you get ready for the overhaul, open up your cabinets. Look through them and begin to decide how you want to organize them. If you are not sure what is in a cabinet, take everything out and look at each item. This would be a good time to rearrange items so they are in a more convenient place. Make sure things that you use often – glasses, plates, bowls, cooking utensils – are easily accessible. Things you use less often – serving dishes, formal dinnerware, specific cooking gadgets – can be stored in the more hard to reach places.

It is important to get all of your kitchen gadgets, cooking supplies, and dishes where you want them to go ahead of time so you can clearly see how you are using the space. If your kitchen cabinets are already arranged the way you like, you can move on to

Before you start organizing your cabinets

As much as I would like to spend my whole savings account on a slew of new organization products, there are a couple of things I need to do first.

  • measure
  • plan
  • buy


Measure the space you are purchasing organization products for. Trust me. I have learned from experience just how frustrating it is to get all excited about a new product that is going to make my life soooo much easier only to have my hopes and dreams shattered by something that doesn’t fit. Figure out exactly how much space you have to fill so that your items fit the first time. No exchanging or returning needed.


As you look through your kitchen, find problem areas. The things that are spilling out or you just can’t seem to store well. These are the areas you want to find organization solutions for first. Think about grouping like things with like and utilizing formerly unused cabinet and pantry space.


Now, the moment you have been waiting for. Buy, baby! You know what sizes you need and have identified your problem areas. It is time to get in there and purchase exactly what you need to organize your cabinets. This is going to be so fun.

Organize your cabinets with these 12 affordable products

Expandable, stackable kitchen cabinet shelf organizers.

My eyes just went gaga. I am imagining a world where my spice cabinet is organized and we can find every rub, every seasoning, and every herb we ever wanted. Yes. Please. These can be stacked or expanded, so they offer you a lot of options for organizing your cabinets. They are an excellent way to make sure cabinet space is not just left open. You can use these in a pantry to store and stack cans or in a cabinet for bowls, mugs, or small glasses. You could even put these in your refrigerator to store condiments or stack smaller containers.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • versatility – These would be great for smaller glasses and mugs since cabinet shelves are usually high enough for multiples but stacking those items is difficult.
  • materials – They are made from perforated steel making them a little more durable.
  • size – This set comes with two different sizes (LARGE-12.7″ long, 9″ wide, 5.4″ high) & (SMALL- 11.25″ long, 7.9″ wide, 5.4″ high)
  • quality – With 4.5 stars on Amazon with over 1,500 reviews, this product has been tried and loved by many organization enthusiasts.

How could it improve?

  • easy – Because of the design, reaching the things stored underneath the shelf could be difficult. Don’t store your favorite can of beans back there.

Get it on Amazon.

Simple Housewares Organizer Rack

Vertical storage is the answer. I don’t care what the question is. If you want to use your space in the most efficient way possible, you need to be storing your things vertically. In the kitchen, vertical storage gets tricky. Things fall or slide down and you have to get pretty creative to prop them up, which is why my cutting boards are sitting on top of my microwave. But, this organizer rack is a game changer. It allows you the vertical storage without having to hack keeping thing baking items upright. I would use this for the lids to my pots and pans, baking sheets, cutting boards, and even some of my smaller pans.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • easy – They have rubber feet to protect your cabinets, counters, or other surfaces from scratching and damage. Each compartment has a notch for a pan lid. I love that design because it is well thought out and extremely useful.
  • versatility – They come in two colors, sliver and bronze. You can match your kitchen and make these look nice out on your counters if you needed to.
  • material – They are made from sturdy steel, so they won’t break if you are moving quickly and hit it wrong which may or may not be something I would definitely do.
  • quality – They have 5 stars on Amazon with over 1,000 reviews. I would say that is a pretty perfect track record.
  • value – You get 2 for $14.87 which is a great price!

How could it improve?

  • They are painted silver or bronze. I would be concerned about the color chipping off over time. Especially if you use stainless steel pans and lids like I do. The steel could rub or chip it off which would ruin the aesthetic.

Get it on Amazon.

Simple Housewares Over the Cabinet Door organizer

Vertical space again. This is an excellent option if you don’t have room for a big rack in your cabinets. The rack sits just inside cabinet doors. It is an excellent way to store cutting boards, small baking sheets, plastic wrap, parchment paper, ziplock bags, and under the sink supplies. I like it because it is extremely versatile, and as long as your cabinet is not stuffed to the door, will fit almost any cabinet. You also have the option of mounting it to cabinets or walls. If you have some extra wall space, this could be a great solution to storing cutting boards. (Does anyone else struggle with where to put them? I have the hardest time with mine.) I have a product similar to this that I use to store my ziplock bags. It makes them easy to get out and keeps my space a little nicer.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • materials – These are made from steel, again. I always look for products made from durable materials.
  • size – The hanger portion is 9″ long giving plenty of room to store longer items without catching on the top o cabinets.
  • easy – The hooks have foam padding to protect the surface they catch on and keep them in place.
  • versatility – These can be used in many places including mounting on the wall (for mail, cutting boards, towels, etc) or to organize kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, and more.
  • All hardware and screws are included.
  • quality – It has 4.5 stars with over 2,000 reviews on Amazon.

How could it improve?

  • Honestly, nothing. I love the design and proportions. With great reviews and lots of versatility, I could see one of these on the inside of every cabinet door in my home.

Get it on Amzaon.

Kitchen Cabinet Organizer Set

Oh boy! I am excited about these. I have been looking for a product like this for a long time. This set is excellent because it includes three stackable shelf organizers and 2 under the cabinet baskets. That’s only about $5 per piece of organizing magic! This set would offer so many options. Use an under the shelf basket to store your tea or coffee above your mugs for easy access. Use a shelf to stack small glasses doubly high and give yourself more room. Use these in your pantry to make an organized dream. Make sure to check if the measurements will fit your cabinet before ordering. If they do, this product is a great way to start organizing your cabinets or really almost anything in your kitchen because it offers so many options.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • quantity – Have I mentioned before that it is a five piece set? You get so much bang for your buck with this one.
  • value -It is a great price! (Yes, I overkilled this point) Plus, Amazon offers free shipping on orders over $25, so this qualifies even if you don’t have Prime.
  • versatility -They can be used almost anywhere.
  • materials – They are made from coated steel.

How could it improve?

  • quality- This product has an excellent rating, 4.5 stars, but only 12 reviews.

Get it on Amazon.

Bafvt coffee mug holder

I 100% need this right now!! Amazon Prime here I come. I’m sure you know by now, I love a hot cuppa tea. For people with a lot of mugs, a product like this is a game changer. It would allow you to hang your mugs clearing up a lot of space underneath on the actual shelf. As an added plus, it adds a nice aesthetic to your cabinet storage. If you like this, you might also check out the BAFVT wine glass holder.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • materials- it is made from stainless steel and can hold up to 22 pounds.
  • versatility- this is not just for mugs. It could also hold utensils or small pans. Use it in the bathroom or closet to hang jewelry.
  • accessibility- The company has 50 reviews and has answered 4 questions. They seem to have a pretty good communication rate.
  • easy-Installing this is incredibly easy. Just slide it onto the shelve and voila, you have organized your cabinet.
  • value – Since this product is so versatile, the price is excellent.

How could it improve?

  • size – The product will not hold 10 regular sized mugs. According to reviews, it holds 4-6.

Get it on Amazon.

3-tier corner shelf

When storing round plates or bowls, you lose a lot of cabinet space. All those little corners are empty, and nothing really fits back there. Show your cabinet corners a little love with a corner shelf. You could stack your plates or bowls on it and give yourself a lot more room in each cabinet. As an added bonus, your dishes will be super organized because this shelve has 3 tiers so you can store different items separately. If you just need a little more space, maximize your cabinets by utilizing the corners. It would be great to store dishes, pans, lids, or food storage containers.

How does it help organize your cabinets?

  • materials – Made with iron, this shelf is not going anywhere.
  • quality – With 4.5 stars and 910 reviews, you can be sure you are getting a quality product.
  • versatility – You have a lot of options of what you can store with this shelf. Get a few and store all of your dishes.
  • value – These are a great buy for the price.

How could it improve?

  • size – Before purchasing, make sure the shelves will fit into your cabinets and are a good size for what you want to store.

Get it on Amazon.

Pan and Pot lid organizer Rack

I stack my pans inside of eachother, and it drives me crazy. It get one, I have to get all of them out. Putting them away is just as bad. This, beautiful, wonderful invention is the answer to all my pots and pans blues. If you are trying to organize your pots and pans, this might be the perfect product for you. It has a sturdy construction. You can use it to stack pans, shorter pots, or lids. No instillation is required, and the racks are adjustable. If you have a larger pan or pot that you want to store this way, you can remove one of the racks to make room. If you have non-stick pans, this is an especially great way to store them because they will not scratch eachother. This product can be stored vertically or horizontally depending on your space. I think I’ll order 2.

How does it help organize your cabinets?

  • materials – This puppy is made from steel. The company advertises that it is great for cast iron pans.
  • versatility – You can adjust the shelves individually or leave one out to make room for any size pan. You can purchase a five shelf or seven shelf option as well depending on your space.
  • value – At under $15, this shelf will not break your bank.
  • quality – The product has 4.5 stars with 374 reviews. Those are odds I like.

How could it improve?

  • easy – While you don’t have to install this product, you do have to assemble it.

Get it on Amazon.

Under Sink, 2-tier expandable rack

Pipes, soap, dishwasher cleaner, cleaning rags, dripping water, and who knows what else. Under the sink can be a scary place. But, it doesn’t have to be. Because of the pipes, sink cabinets are notoriously difficult to organize. Thankfully, someone thought about that and created a product just for that reason. This shelf comes with lots of options : adjustable height, adjustable width, and movable shelves. It fits around your pipes and allows you to make use of the vertical space in your cabinet instead of just stuffing things in. You can make everything easier to find. Add some clear plastic bins on the shelves for the most organized sink cabinet ever.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • versatility – with adjustable shelves, adjustable width, and adjustable height, this will fit in almost any cabinet.
  • size – You get an all in one product with many different sizes.
  • value – You are going to have a hard time finding an under the sink organizer with such competitive pricing.
  • quality – This product has 4.5 stars with over 1,100 reviews.

How could it improve?

  • easy – You might have to install this product inside the cabinet.
  • materials – The shelves are made from steel, but there are not many of them. I would suggest using clear plastic containers that can slide over the bars if you need extra storage space.

Get it on Amazon.

30 Spice Gripper Clips

Organizing your cabinets means organizing your cabinet doors. Many cabinets offer a little more storage right inside the door, and spices are the perfect size to store there. If you love to cook or bake, odds are your spice rack or pantry is overflowing. I know mine is. We have a spice rack and a whole shelf in our pantry devoted to just spices and herbs. If you are like me, installing some gripper clips to the inside of your cabinets could open up a lot of space and make those spices much easier to find.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • value – If you want something to organize your cabinets, but you need to keep it budget friendly, this is the product for you.
  • easy – install with the sticky backing or included hardware (for extra stability)
  • versatility – clips can be installed in strips cut and installed individually. You can organize your cabinets however you like with these.
  • quantity – You can store up to 30 jars with this product.

How could it improve?

  • versatility – According to reviews, the clips stretch out a little, making it difficult to put a smaller bottle where you had formerly stored a larger one. Also, they don’t hold certain sizes of bottles very well.
  • materials – I do not love plastic products. That being said, this is a great price and offers more options of where to install them than a metal spice rack.

Get it on Amazon.

2-tier sliding basket organizer

Still need an organization solution for under your sink? This might be the product for you. But don’t stop there. Use these in your pantry, cabinets, refrigerator, or even counters to organize almost anything. I love that they have two drawers which allows a lot of different options. You can purchase two and stack them on top of eachother as well. These offer a lot of space between the top shelf and two drawers. The drawers make them more convenient than shelves because it is much easier to reach everything in the back. Try using these to organize your food storage containers and lids or cans of food.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • materials – You get wire shelving and drawers.
  • versatility – You can use this almost anywhere in your home to provide a little extra storage a a lot of extra organization.
  • size – The organizer is 16.7″ long and provide a lot of great storage space. But, it is not too tall to fit under a sink.
  • quality – It has a 4.5 star rating with 1,449 reviews.
  • value – This product is under $25.

How could it improve?

  • easy – You will have to do some assembly of this product.

Get it on Amazon.

Organizer Bins

Using bins is an excellent way to utilize more space. You can also keep your kitchen much more organized. Organize your pantry cabinet by storing smaller food items in these bins. Keep your refrigerator looking amazing and see all of the food in there with these clear plastic bins. Bins of any kind are a great addition to any organized kitchen. I love that these are clear so that you can see exactly what is in them. Stacking things vertically in the bins will give you even more organization power.

How does it help you organize your cabinets?

  • easy – These are going to make organization so much easier for you. Stack them, or slide them into your cabinets, freezer, or fridge or extra storage space.
  • versatility – storage bins can be used almost anywhere. Get creative and find a way to use these to make your kitchen an organizer’s dream.
  • materials – Clear bins are the absolutely best way to organize. Being able to see through your storage saves you time.
  • quality – These bins have 4.5 stars with 355 reviews.

How could it improve?

  • size – These bins measure 10″ x 6″ x 3″. They are great for smaller spaces, but depending on your needs, you might like something a little deeper or even smaller.
  • value – I wish they were priced a little lower.

Get it on Amazon.

2-tier sliding cabinet basket

Another sliding basket option! Oh my! I really like sliding basket options because they add a level of convenience. It is much easier to find thing stored towards the back of shelves if they are in a drawer. This drawer organizer does not have a top shelf, but has 2 deep drawers. It is narrow enough to fit under a sink but would also be excellent in a pantry cabinet, spice cabinet, or for plastic container storage. But, don’t stop there. Use it in your bedroom or craft room as well.

How does it help organize your cabinets?

  • versatility – You can use this cabinet basket almost anywhere to help keep things from getting shoved to the back of a cabinet and lost.
  • size – The two deeper drawers offer a lot of options for storage. Add little boxes or containers to keep your things even more organized.
  • materials – This is made from metal for long lasting durability.
  • quality – This product as 4.5 stars with over 1,400 reviews.

How could it improve?

  • easy – Some assembly is required.

Get it on Amazon.

12 ways to have perfectly organized kitchen cabinets.

Pin it to read later.

Organize your cabinets today!

Finding ways to organize your cabinets isn’t just about making them look magazine ready or even feeding your OCD. It is about efficiency and maximizing space. Every one of these items was designed with you in mind and can help you organize even the smallest kitchen. They are great for:

  • Using as much space as possible.

No matter the size of your kitchen, space is important. However, utilizing all of the space in your cabinets is even more important if you are in a small space.

  • Easing meal preparation

My kitchen is not for show. We cook almost every day. When things are organized and easy to find, we cut significant time out of the process and make cooking easier.

  • Helping everyone to know how to put away the items.

Poor Hubs cannot seem to figure out my kitchen cabinet organization system. He gets things more or less in the right place, but he has the hardest time reorganizing our spare kitchen cabinet space. When we use organization products that help us see everything in cabinets, Hubs has a much easier time putting everything away.

  • Keeping things from falling out or over cramming cabinets.

Like my teacup horror story, cramming cabinets full is rarely a good idea. With extra space in cabinets, you will not have the same disaster fall upon you.

  • Making room for everything you use.

If you have a small kitchen or use a lot of kitchen gadgets, you might find yourself running out of room. These items will help maximize space and allow you room for everything you use.

As an apartment dweller with a very small kitchen and limited storage in our cabinets, I have to be extremely creative about organization. I have purchased as many of these as my budget will allow right now and will keep you posted on how they are working for me. Which organization gadget has snagged your fancy? Let me know in the comments below.